Atlantis’ legend has captivated many’s imaginations throughout history, but from a Starseed perspective, a unique interpretation exists of this ancient civilization’s downfall. Starseeds believe they have incarnated on Earth from other realms or star systems and offer a distinctive lens through which to examine Atlantis’ mysteries. In this article, we will explore the Starseed version of the fall of Atlantis, shedding light on the spiritual and cosmic dimensions that influenced its demise.
According to Starseed lore, Atlantis was a highly advanced civilization that existed in ancient times. It is believed to have possessed remarkable technological prowess and spiritual enlightenment, making it a beacon of wisdom and harmony. The Atlanteans were said to have harnessed energy sources, engaged in crystal technology, and mastered interdimensional travel. However, their progress was not without challenges.
Starseeds view the fall of Atlantis as a result of a complex interplay of spiritual and energetic dynamics. It is believed that Atlantis became a hub for various extraterrestrial civilizations, and its inhabitants included both Starseeds and indigenous Earth souls. These beings brought diverse knowledge and vibrations, creating a delicate balance between light and dark energies.
In the far ancient galactic past, the original homeworlds for humans were in the Lyra constellation. The original humanoid race in the Universe was the Feline Lyrans, who would go on to cultivate the myriad of other human races that would thrive and create their own cultures and civilizations. These early human civilizations focused on peace and spirituality. They worked towards building the happiness of the civilizations they inhabited as a whole while living in harmony with nature.
Sadly, these human civilizations would have a rude awakening to the reality of a hostile universe.
An avian alien race known as the Carian, and their genetically altered child race of Reptilians found the peaceful Lyrans who lacked the technology to defend themselves. The populations of entire planets were exterminated, and the survivors were forced to flee into the unknown of space. This genocidal tragedy could be considered a positive occurrence with hindsight because it caused the human species and their DNA to spread throughout the galaxy. All these refugees created new civilizations and cultures spread out all over the cosmos, and they’d eventually become the equal of the dreaded Reptilians.
Many of these human interstellar civilizations would later unite into a galactic federation and consider themselves the shepherd of all subspecies of humanoid DNA inheritors across the stars—many of the once refugee humans went their own way to forge their own destiny. Some even devolved or turned into factions analogous to the hated Reptilians, but most human inheritors who did not join up with the federation stayed true to human nature, though still lost from the grand scheme of things. Many of these break-off refugee factions went into the void, never to be seen again, and their fate still remains unknown.
In any case, those humans who survived the genocidal destruction of their home planets eventually became more than capable of defending themselves and establishing human agendas across the cosmic chessboard.
Allegedly, many Starseeds feel connected to Atlantis or Lemuria because they had physical incarnations during this ancient epoch of lost human history. The Divine Intelligence behind existence had long since allowed itself to be embodied by two separate masculine and feminine forces. This template and the endless shades of gray manifested from it also scaled down from the macrocosm to the microcosm. So, in a way, this included planets across the multiverse and the cultures and species that dwell upon them. This universal template of dualism was also used as the foundation for Earth. The extraterrestrial intelligences that visited Earth before humanity even existed decided that they should embody this template by creating two great civilizations on the planet analogous to the cosmic balance of masculine and feminine.
Earth would be known as the living library and house the great game of the macrocosm throughout all existence, just on a smaller scale. Extraterrestrial factions wanted to experiment with Earth by taking templates they’d used in other great civilizations, such as in Pleiades, Andromeda, Sirius, and Arcturus, and push all the principles that worked so well in those civilizations in the confined and condensed environment of Earth. And so, two great civilizations were created and cultivated. Atlantis, to embody the masculine, and Lemuria, to embody the feminine.
In this lore, around 71,933 BC, Andromedan and Arcturian extraterrestrial factions colonized Earth. They called upon other human races of the galaxy to join them, including Nibiru, Pleiades, Ursa Minor, Sirius, and Lyran refugees. However, long before any of the human races of the galaxy set foot on Earth, The Carion and Reptilian races had already explored the cosmos to discover primordial Earth when the Universe was still young and considered it an outpost of theirs. So when the race to populate Earth was being created, a compromise was made with the Carion and Reptilians to include their DNA in the Earth human race.
Over time, negative influences infiltrated the civilization attributed to the Carion and Reptilian races. These clandestine forces would incite warlike energy and a culture of conquest similar to the Reptilian interstellar empire. At first, it was Maldek (Mars) that was targeted, which destroyed itself in war. Maldek refugees went to Earth and were absorbed into the Atlantean population. Maldek had been influenced to embody the masculine’s shadow and extreme nature. Those who survived the self-destruction of the planet would continue in their ways. The Atlantean civilization focused on technology and strength, while the Lemurian civilization focused on spirituality and enlightenment. Sadly, Lemuria did not last as planned because when the Atlantean military sought to conquer Lemuria, the civilization had no chance; the superior technology of Atlantis steamrolled them.
This destruction of Lemuria ironically somewhat mirrored what happened to the Lyran civilization, just on a smaller scale.
The following era would be the golden age of Atlantis and last for some time. It’s important to know just how advanced these humans truly were, including interdimensional communication as well as interstellar travel. Current Earth is very confined and closed off, but back during the golden age of Atlantis, this was not the case. And just how long this golden age lasted is up for speculation because of various contradictory accounts, but it’s safe to say it lasted thousands of years. However, the destruction of Lemuria put a huge dent in Earth-human/interstellar human relations, to which this degrading relationship would only increasingly get worse.
As the Atlanteans delved deeper into their technological advancements, a growing desire for power and control arose. This pursuit of materialism and ego-driven ambitions began to disrupt the harmonious balance that once characterized Atlantis. The energies of greed, manipulation, and misuse of power gradually overshadowed the higher spiritual ideals.
One crucial element in the Starseed interpretation of Atlantis’ downfall is the misuse of crystalline energy. Crystals held immense power and were utilized for various purposes, including energy generation, healing, and interdimensional communication. However, as some Atlanteans sought to exert dominance, they began exploiting these energies for destructive purposes, destabilizing the delicate energetic equilibrium of the civilization.
The increasing disharmony within Atlantis led to societal divisions and conflicts between different factions. Starseeds believe that these conflicts were not limited to the physical realm but also involved interdimensional struggles between forces of light and darkness. The misuse of power and the deterioration of spiritual values ultimately led to the fragmentation of Atlantean society.
Eventually, Earth grew to become a cosmic cold war hotspot of sorts. The increasingly inhumane way Atlantis conducted itself led to direct confrontation between the forces of star humans and the Draconian Reptilians. While shadowy and mostly still mysterious, the Earth humans did something that would forever alter the fate of the planet and put it into galactic quarantine to the other human races of the stars.
The interdimensional Earth humanity was used to was knocked down into the third dimension and trapped there. Much of Earth’s human abilities inherited by the star family were lost when confined to 3D, and communication with our cosmic family was all but lost. But, some good did come from these events. Humans spread across the Earth to create new civilizations, ensuring our survival for millennia, when before, it was quite possible to face extinction. Yet again, this oddly and ironically is analogous to what happened to the Lyrans on a cosmic scale, just playing out on a smaller scale on Earth (though still admittedly very different).
Atlantis may have been destroyed, but humanity would survive, and the Earth experiment could continue.
Starseeds also attribute the fall of Atlantis to natural cataclysms and energetic shifts. It is believed that Earth’s energetic frequencies were shifting, undergoing a planetary evolution that coincided with the decline of Atlantis. These energetic shifts amplified the disharmony within Atlantis and, combined with the Atlanteans’ misuse of power, triggered cataclysmic events such as earthquakes, floods, and volcanic eruptions.
While the physical civilization of Atlantis perished, Starseeds believe that many souls who carried the Atlantean knowledge and spiritual wisdom survived. These souls dispersed across the globe, contributing to the spiritual development of different cultures and societies. The fall of Atlantis serves as a powerful lesson about the importance of maintaining balance, integrity, and reverence for the cosmic laws in the pursuit of technological progress.
The Starseed version of the fall of Atlantis presents a unique perspective on the spiritual and cosmic dynamics that led to the downfall of this ancient civilization. It offers insights into the delicate interplay between light and dark energies, the misuse of power, and the consequences of imbalances in a technologically advanced society. Whether one embraces the Starseed interpretation or not, the legend of Atlantis continues to fuel our imagination and invites us to reflect on the profound lessons it imparts about our own world and the delicate balance we must strive to maintain.
The Starseed interpretation of the fall of Atlantis is based on metaphysical and spiritual beliefs, subject to individual interpretation. This article presents an alternative perspective and explores the cosmic dimensions of Atlantis’ demise. It does not seek to prove or disprove the existence of Atlantis or the Starseed perspective. Also, there are many different versions of this narrative, so this tale is inconclusive. Researching the Starseed lore surrounding Atlantis will find much contradictory information. There is also much more to this very interesting story; if you want to know more, check it out. Just make sure to take all Starseed lore with a grain of salt.