Aokigahara (AKA Japan’s Suicide Forest)
In Japan, beneath Mount Fuji is the forest of Aokigahara. The location also has two other names: Suicide Forest, and the Sea of Trees. Malevolent rumors surround the forest because over the years hundreds of people have entered with no …
Monster Legend: Invunche
From the country of Chile in South America comes the Invunche. While most monsters inspire revulsion, this one is actually pretty sympathetic and depressing. The creation of these monsters begins with a witch, who steals an infant male baby. The …
The Flatwoods Monster
The Flatwoods Monster. These frightening aliens stand around seven feet tall. Their bodies are black, and they have a dark shovel-like head with glowing red eyes. Their skin is no skin at all, but a dark plated exoskeleton. There’s really …
Pizza Gate
The Pizza Gate conspiracy theory inspired a man to walk into a pizza joint brandishing firearms in an attempt to save kids from a child pedophile sex ring run by elite members of our government. Yup. This is definitely one …
The Little Green Men Of Hopkinsville
Close encounters have been commonly reported and repressed across the U.S. since before our grandparents wore diapers. The Little Green Men of Hopkinsville is a classic alien encounter from the 50s, which was made famous by the press and was …
Entity Of The Week: Spring Heeled Jack
Victorian England was once terrorized by a leaping maniac called Spring Heeled Jack. Sightings of Jack go all the way back to the year 1837. Many think he was a devil given form, and Spring Heeled Jack cut a path …
Episode 11: The Cecil Hotel And Elisa Lam
In this episode, Tim talks about Haunted Disneyland and the infamous Cecil Hotel. With such a long history of violence and death, the case of Elisa Lam is nothing new, but it’s become the most famous unsolved crime of the …